Embrace the Chill of Winter

I cannot believe we have already flown past the holiday season! It feels like just yesterday I was preparing my home for all my beautiful decorations, looking forward to peppermint mochas and cookie bakes… and now it’s gone in the blink of an eye! 

If you remember, I did a seasons series throughout all of last year. A couple months ago, I did a part two to my autumn post, and I decided to do the same and give my winter post a little bit of a spruce up! 

Last winter was definitely a strange one with the lack of snow we got until the very end, but now I am absolutely loving the look of it! I didn’t realize how much I had missed it last year. However, something about this winter is that it is extremely cold. Here in the Midwest, our winters are unpredictable, and who knows for just how long they’ll go one. Last year, like I said, was weird. It’s so very hard to know when the weather will begin being kinder and offer us some warm spring days. Often, February is when people begin to dread winter, saying that it has gone on for far too long. Part of me absolutely agrees, but the other part thinks we need to appreciate it a little more. It opens up so many opportunities to take time to reflect and really enjoy time with ourselves. 

Not to mention, as a photographer I have a soft spot for winter. It’s one of the most unique seasons because it really pushes people to try studio sessions. Studio sessions are definitely underrated in my opinion, and people always overlook how beautiful they can be. Think of it this way; you have full control of what you do! You don’t have to worry about weather, about it being too hot or cold, about outfits looking bad, bathrooms (because the lord knows as soon as there’s not a palace, your little one's gonna have to use it), and so much more! Not to mention, this is a time to start with fun and cute sessions indoors. For example, I recently did the cutest photos with my sisters new puppy and they were absolutely to die for. pets deserve some love too, so it was the perfect time to experiment with photos in a controlled environment!

Not mention how unique winter photos are. Sure, all the seasons are unique, however there's such a beautiful charm winter brings forward like no other. The changing of seasons is one of the most special things about living up north, so I like to encourage others to take full advantage of it. Winter wear can be so fashionable, and everything seems to stand out so much against the stark white of the snow. You truly become the focal point when outside in the winter, and it adds this ethereal glow to the surroundings. Something about snow just always captures so magically. If you're a photographer and do not offer options for outdoor winter sessions, I beg you to start! Winter brings forth some of the most beautiful photos I have ever had the pleasure of taking. If you can brave a little cold, I encourage both photographers and clients to give it a try. it can be a different feel to the usual style of warm season outdoor sessions, and break up you professional gallery.

This has been my update on winter sessions, I hope you can come out of this with a new mindset regarding the season! As always, if you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out! Until next time!